AGENT: John Rogerson
FANNY AND ALEXANDER | Dir: Kristine Landon-Smith| Oxford School of Drama
CINDERELLA | Dir: Robert Marsden | The Victoria Theatre, Halifax
PEACE AT LAST | Dir: Becca Marriott | Chickenshed Theatre, London
I BELIEVE IN UNICORNS | Dir: Dani Parr | Apollo Theatre
SLEEPING BEAUTY | Victoria Theatre, Halifax
BERYL | Dir. Chris Lawson |Oldham Coliseum | Theatre
BABA YAGA | Dir. Nina Hajiyianna |Theatre Hullabaloo| Theatre
OLVIA TWIST| Dir. Amy Leach| Leeds Playhouse | Theatre
ROMEO AND JULIET | Dir. Juliet Stevenson | Cbeebies | BBC TV
WAVE ME GOODBYE | Theatr Clwyd | Christian Patterson | TheatrClwyd
LUNA | Theatre Hullabaloo | Sarah Argent | TheatreHullabaloo, Darlington
LULLABUB | Theatre Hullabaloo | Anna Newell | TheatreHullabaloo, Darlington
ESTRON | Yr Cwt Drama, 2017 Eisteddfod and Welsh Tour | JanetAethwy | Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru
GABRIEL | Richmond Theatre and tour | Kate McGregor |Theatre6
HOW TO HIDE A LION | Polka and Tour | Peter Glanville | Polkatheatre
WHYTHE WHALES CAME | Watford Playhouse and Tour | DaniParr| Wizard Presents/Watford Playhouse
MONSTERSAURUS | National/International Tour | AdamBampton-Smith | Big Wooden Horse / Nick Brooke
I BELIEVE IN UNICORNS | Vaudeville Theatre London and Tour| Dani Parr |Wizard Presents
MOOMIN SUMMER MADNESS | Polka Theatre, London | PeterGlanville/Dani Parr | Polka
66 BOOKS | Bush Theatre, London | Josie Rourke | BushTheatre
CINDERELLA | Hertford Theatre | Rhys Thomas | HertfordTheatre
ALIENS LOVE UNDERPANTS | National + International toursincluding West End | Adam Bampton-Smith | Big Wooden Horse / Nick Brooke
Excellentknowledge of ETC 'EOS' range of lighting desks.
Excellentknowledge of DMX protocol and moving lights
Basic comprehensionof written music including score reading
ProfessionalDesigner Member of The Association of Lighting Designers (ALD).