AGENT: John Rogerson
CRY BABY| Choreographer| ArcolaTheatre
MUSICAL LEGENDS| Director and Choreographer| UK Tour
JACK AND THE BEANSTALK | Choreographer| Sunderland Empire
MIMMA IN CONCERT | Choreographer| Teatro Verdi Trieste
MOONSHINE | Choreographer and Director | Cove UK
SNOW WHIITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS | Choreographer | Dir. Victoria Gimby | Bournemouth Pavilion Theatre
MAD HATTERS CIRCUS | Director and Choreographer | UK tour
MURDER FOR TWO | Director and Choreographer | Musiikkiteatteri Kapsakki, Helsinki
PIAF | Choreographer | Dir. Hilkka-Liisa Iivanainen | Tampere Theatre, Finland
A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM | Choreographer | Dir. Sean Turner | Gatehouse Theatre
ANASTASIA | Choreographer | Dir. Samuel Harjanne | Tampere Theatre, Finland
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST | Choreographer | Dir. Victoria Gimby | Bournemouth Pavilion Theatre
PIGS MIGHT FLY | Choreographer | Dir. Kate Golledge | UK Tour
THE LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA | Choreographer | Dir. Hannah Chissick | Royal Academy of Music
MIMMA | Choreographer | Dir. Luke Fredericks | Cadogan Hall
URINE TOWN | Choreographer| Dir. Hannah Chissick | Royal Academy of Music
LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER | Choreographer | Dir. Sasha Regan | Shaftesbury Theatre
BREAKTHROUGH BROADWAY and T’WAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS | Director and Choreographer | Talent Artist Group
CARNIVALE | Director and Choreographer | Talent Artist Group
ADDAMS FAMILY | Choreographer | Dir. Hannah Chisswick | Trinity Laban
I WISH MY LIFE WERE LIKE A MUSICAL | Director and Choreographer | King's Head Theatre, Islington
OUR HOUSE | Choreographer | Dir. Sasha Regan | PPA College
WIND IN THE WILLOWS | Choreographer | Dir. James Tobias | Immersion Theatre/ UK Tour
MISS LITTLEWOOD | Choreographer | Dir. Hannah Chissick | Royal Academy of Music
TESTMATCH | Choreographer | Dir. Nicole Charles | English Touring Theatre / Theatre Royal Bath
MR BURNS | Choreographer | Dir. Dan Phillips | Backstage Theatre, Mountview
SNOW WHITE | Choreographer | Dir. Alex Jackson | Queen’s Theatre, Barnstaple/ Prime Pantomimes
THE MARRIAGE OF KIM K | Choreographer | Dir. Franciska Ery | UK Tour
SING YER HEART OUT FOR THE LADS | Movement Director| Dir. Nicole Charles | Chichester Festival Theatre
MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR | Movement Director | Dir. Caroline Devlin | Guildford Shakespeare Co.
THE ACCIDENTAL TIME TRAVELLER | Choreographer | Dir. Clare Prenton| Barbican Theatre/ British Youth MT
I WISH MY LIFE WERE LIKE A MUSICAL | Director and Choreographer | Udderbelly Edinburgh Fringe Festival
PINOCCHIO | Choreographer | Dir. James Tobias | UK Tour Immersion Theatre
THE WILD PARTY | Choreographer | Dir. Hannah Chissick | Royal Academy of Music
TWELFTH NIGHT | Movement Director | Dir. Charlotte Conquest | Guildford Shakespeare Co.
ALICE IN WONDERLAND | Choreographer | Dir. James Tobias | UK Tour/ Immersion Theatre
CRY-BABY | Choreographer | Dir. Hannah Chissick | Arts Educational
SEUSSICAL | Resident Director and Choreographer | Dir. James Tobias | Southwark Playhouse/ Immersion Theatre
JUDY! | Movement Director | Dir. Ray Rackham | London Theatre Workshop / Arts Theatre
WEST END BARES 2017/18/19 | Choreographer | MAD trust
OH MY NELLIE BLY | Choreographer| Dir. Simon Kane | Bridewell Theatre
PETER PAN | Choreographer | Dir. James Tobias | UK Tour/ Immersion Theatre
WEST SIDE STORY | Choreographer | Dir. Toby Hine | Bishopsgate Institute/ BGI
TOP HAT | Choreographer | Dir. John Plews | Gatehouse Theatre, London/ Ovation Prod.
ROBIN HOOD | Choreographer | Dir. James Tobias| Kenton Theatre, Henley
GRIMM | Choreographer | Dir. Shaun Kerrison | Workshop
WIZARD OF OZ | Choreographer | Dir. James Tobias | Harrow Arts Centre
SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS| Choreographer | Dir. Kerris Armstrong | Chelmsford Civic Theatre/ One From The Heart
TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA | Movement Director | Dir. Charlotte Conquest | GSC
9 TO 5 | Director and Choreographer | Upstairs at the Gatehouse, London
BLONDEL | Choreographer | Dir. Sasha Regan | Union Theatre
SHOUT | Associate Director/ Choreographer | Dir. Racky Plews | UK Tour
ANYTHING GOES | Choreographer | Dir. John Plews | Gatehouse Theatre, London/ Ovation Prod.
ALADDIN | Choreographer | Dir. Marc Day | Millfield Theatre Prod.
LUCKY STIFF | Choreographer | Dir. Luke Fredericks | Lilian Baylis Theatre
GATSBY | Choreographer | Dir. Linnie Redman | Arts Theatre/ Southwark Playhouse
ROMEO & JULIET | Choreographer | Dir. Julian Chenery | Ashcroft Theatre/ S4K
YOU WON’T SUCCEED ON BROADWAY IF YOU DON’T HAVE ANY JEWS | Choreographer | Dir. Evan Ensign | St. James Theatre/ Tel Aviv Cultural Theatre, Israel
SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN | Choreographer | Dir. John Plews | Gatehouse Theatre, London/ Ovation Prod.
ASSASSINS | Choreographer | Dir. Ray Rackham | Pleasance Theatre, London/ 2nd Company Prod.
THE APPLE TREE | Choreographer | Dir. Brendan Murphy | Rose & Crown/ All Star Prod.
PINOCCHIO | Choreographer | Dir. Julian Chenery | International Tour/ S4K
JUNGLE BOOK | Choreographer | Dir. Julian Chenery | International Tour/ S4K